Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Together, we can!

After some research done on this topic, I’m getting drawn more and more into this concept of Zakat. In Islam, we are obligated to pay a predetermined amount of money to the needy. Everyone will do this at the end of Ramadan, a month-long spiritual cleansing period where we not only abstain ourselves from carnal desires of food and flesh, but we are also asked provide charity to those in need.

However, from what I gather, most Muslims do not realize that this act of ‘zakat’ doesn’t just end there. I for one didn’t realize the importance of giving regular charity. Charity shouldn’t end there, just how poverty doesn’t end there.

Sheikh Muhammad 'Abduh commented that "Quran mentions 'encouraging each other to feed the poor', and not just 'feeding the poor', in order to indicate that members of the community should have solidarity, mercy, and grace toward one another, and should secure one another's needs."

The Quran also states, “...people who are steadfast in prayer, pay zakat, and have firm belief in the hereafter. They follow the guidance of their Lord and they will have everlasting happiness” Luqman 31:4-5

This is very interesting indeed. For one, zakat is always found in the same sentence as prayer, therefore indicating it is an act of worship. And also God has promised everlasting happiness by giving part of our wealth away in His cause. But we’ll talk more about this at a different post.

For now, I wanna highlight some of the great community initiatives out there in KL.

Nur Salam
A centre dedicated to serving children from Chow Kit; a low income area with a longstanding reputation for sex work, drug sales, and organized crime, as well as being a neighbourhood of undocumented immigrants.

Pink Triangle Foundation
A community-based organization providing information, education and care services relating to HIV/AIDS and sexuality in Malaysia, working with the 5 communities that are most affected by HIV in Malaysia.

PERTIWI Soup Kitchen
Established to give back to the community by providing regular meals at various locations around Kuala Lumpur on a regular basis.

Friday, December 24, 2010


–noun Islam .

a tax, comprising percentages of personal income of every kind,levied as almsgiving for the relief of the poor: the third of thePillars of Islam.


Once upon a time...

I was sitting in the mosque during the Friday Sermon, expecting to let it fly by, as usual, before prayer. Then, the topic made me sit up. Before I knew it, I was taking out my phone and started writing down notes on what the Imam was saying… I know, right?! Weird!

Being somewhat of a couch social-activist-wannabe, the Sermon on Zakat got my attention. A welfare contribution system to help the poor and deprived? Okay, I need to get my google on and dig up more on this.

So, instead of leaving the notes on my phone, and quite honestly delete after a week, I decided to fly with it. This Blog is dedicated to my journey in discovering more about Zakat and how to apply it in the community.
